24 is an American television series produced for the Fox network, created by Joel Surnow and Robert Cochran, and starring Kiefer Sutherland as counter-terrorist agent Jack Bauer. Each season, comprising 24 episodes, covers 24 hours in Bauer’s life using the real time method of narration.

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Albums (4)

Year Album Label Tracks
24: Redemption 2008 24: Redemption (Original Television Soundtrack) Varèse Sarabande 17
24 Seasons Four and Five 2006 24 Seasons Four and Five (Original Television Soundtrack) Varèse Sarabande 21
24 2001 24 (Original Television Soundtrack) Varèse Sarabande 19
Twenty Four - Music from the Television Series 2001 Twenty Four (Music from the Television Series) Virgin / EMI Music 24