24 is an American television series produced for the Fox network, created by Joel Surnow and Robert Cochran, and starring Kiefer Sutherland as counter-terrorist agent Jack Bauer. Each season, comprising 24 episodes, covers 24 hours in Bauer’s life using the real time method of narration.
Albums (4)
Year | Album | Label | Tracks | |
2008 | 24: Redemption (Original Television Soundtrack) | Varèse Sarabande | 17 | 2006 | 24 Seasons Four and Five (Original Television Soundtrack) | Varèse Sarabande | 21 | 2001 | 24 (Original Television Soundtrack) | Varèse Sarabande | 19 | 2001 | Twenty Four (Music from the Television Series) | Virgin / EMI Music | 24 |