Dexter is an American television crime drama mystery series that aired on Showtime from October 1, 2006, to September 22, 2013. Set in Miami, the series centers on Dexter Morgan (Michael C. Hall), a forensic technician specializing in blood spatter pattern analysis for the fictional Miami Metro Police Department, who leads a secret parallel life as a vigilante serial killer, hunting down murderers who have slipped through the cracks of the justice system.
Albums (4)
Year | Album | Label | Tracks | |
2010 | Dexter – Season 5 (Music from the Showtime Original Series) | Milan Records | 27 | Dexter (Soundtrack from the TV Series) | Milan Records | Dexter, Seasons 2 & 3 (Original Score from the Original Series) | Milan Records | Dexter – Season 4 (Music from the Showtime Original Series) | Milan Records | 27 |