Mr. Robot
Mr. Robot is an American drama thriller television series created by Sam Esmail. It stars Rami Malek as Elliot Alderson, a cybersecurity engineer and hacker who has social anxiety disorder and clinical depression. Elliot is recruited by an insurrectionary anarchist known as “Mr. Robot”, played by Christian Slater, to join a group of hacktivists called “fsociety”.
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Albums (3)
Year | Album | Label | Tracks | |
2016 | Mr. Robot, Vol. 1 (Original Television Series Soundtrack) | Lakeshore Records | 29 | 2015 | Mr. Robot, Vol. 2 (Original Television Series Soundtrack) | Lakeshore Records | 23 | 2015 | Mr. Robot, Vol. 3 (Original Television Series Soundtrack) | Lakeshore Records | 24 |