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Black Beauty (Original Soundtrack)

Danny Elfman

The Music Of Cosmos (Selections From the Score of the Television Series Cosmos by Carl Sagan)

VA & Vangelis

The Terminator (Complete Motion Picture Score) [The Definite Edition]

Brad Fiedel

Clear and Present Danger (Music from the Original Picture Soundtrack)

James Horner

On Deadly Ground (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Basil Poledouris


Goodfellas (Music from the Motion Picture)

Various Artists

Trapped In Paradise

Trapped In Paradise (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Robert Folk

Legends of the Fall (Complete Score)

Legends of the Fall (Complete Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

James Horner

Forrest Gump (Original Score)

Forrest Gump (Original Motion Picture Score)

Alan Silvestri

The Client

The Client (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Howard Shore

Philadelphia Original Score

Philadelphia (Original Motion Picture Score)

Howard Shore

The Specialist (Original Motion Picture Score)

John Barry

Blade Runner

Blade Runner (Soundtrack from the Motion Picture)


The Shawshank Redemption (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Thomas Newman
