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Terra Nova

Terra Nova (Original Soundtrack from the Fox Television Series)

Brian Tyler

Safe House

Safe House (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Ramin Djawadi

Game of Thrones Season 2

Game of Thrones Season 2 (Music from the HBO Series)

Ramin Djawadi

The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Hans Zimmer

Avengers Assemble

Avengers Assemble (Music Inspired By the Motion Picture)

Various Artists

Zero Dark Thirty (Original Soundtrack)

Alexandre Desplat

Act of Valor: The Score (Original Motion Picture Score)

Nathan Furst

Act of Valor: The Digital Media

Act of Valor: The Album (Music from the Motion Picture)

Various Artists

Man On a Ledge (Music from the Motion Picture)

Henry Jackman

Breaking Bad (Original Score from the Television Series)

Dave Porter
