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Westworld: Season 2 (Music from the HBO® Series)

Ramin Djawadi

Person of Interest: Seasons 3 & 4

Person of Interest: Seasons 3 & 4 (Original Television Soundtrack)

Ramin Djawadi

Prison Break, Seasons 3 & 4

Prison Break, Seasons 3 & 4 (Original Television Soundtrack)

Ramin Djawadi

Person of Interest: Season 2 (Original Television Soundtrack)

Ramin Djawadi

Iron Man

Iron Man (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Ramin Djawadi

Mr. Brooks

Mr. Brooks (Music from the Motion Picture)

Ramin Djawadi

Game of Thrones Season 4

Game of Thrones Season 4 (Music from the HBO Series)

Ramin Djawadi

Person of Interest Season 1

Person of Interest (Original Television Soundtrack)

Ramin Djawadi

The Mountain Between Us

The Mountain Between Us (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Ramin Djawadi

Safe House

Safe House (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Ramin Djawadi

Game of Thrones Season 3

Game of Thrones Season 3 (Music from the HBO Series)

Ramin Djawadi

Game of Thrones Season 2

Game of Thrones Season 2 (Music from the HBO Series)

Ramin Djawadi

Games of Thrones Season 1

Game of Thrones (Music from the HBO Series)

Ramin Djawadi

Warcraft (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Ramin Djawadi

Prison Break (Original Television Soundtrack)

Ramin Djawadi


Westworld (Music from the HBO® Series – Season 1)

Ramin Djawadi
