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Travelers (Original Series Soundtrack)

Adam Lastiwka

Emerald City

Emerald City (Original Television Soundtrack)

Trevor Morris

Justified (Music from the Original Television Series)

Various Artists

Wayward Pines (Original Television Soundtrack)

Charlie Clouser

The Affair

The Affair (Music from the Showtime Original Series)

Marcelo Zarvos

A.D. The Bible Continues:

A.D. The Bible Continues (Music Inspired By the Epic NBC Television Event)

Various Artists

Daredevil Season 2

Daredevil: Season 2 (Original Soundtrack Album)

John Paesano


Revenge (Original Television Soundtrack)

The Punisher (Original Soundtrack)

Tyler Bates

Tyrant (Original Music from the Television Series)

Mychael Danna & Jeff Danna

The Mentalist, Seasons 1-2

The Mentalist, Seasons 1-2 (Original Television Soundtrack)

Blake Neely

Game of Thrones Season 4

Game of Thrones Season 4 (Music from the HBO Series)

Ramin Djawadi

Person of Interest Season 1

Person of Interest (Original Television Soundtrack)

Ramin Djawadi

Music from The O.C, Mix 1

Music from the O.C., Mix 1 (Music from the TV Series)

Various Artists

The Prisoner

The Prisoner (Original Television Soundtrack)

Rupert Gregson-Williams

The Blacklist (Original Score from the Television Series)

Dave Porter

The Walking Dead (Original Score)

The Walking Dead (Original Television Soundtrack)

Bear McCreary


Mindhunter (A Netflix Original Series Soundtrack)

Jason Hill
