Lost is an American drama television series that originally aired on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) from September 22, 2004, to May 23, 2010, over six seasons, comprising a total of 121 episodes. The show contains elements of supernatural and science fiction, and follows the survivors of a commercial jet airliner crash, flying between Sydney and Los Angeles, California, on a mysterious tropical island somewhere in the South Pacific Ocean. The story is told in a heavily serialized manner. Episodes typically feature a primary storyline set on the island, augmented by flashback or flashforward sequences which provide additional insight into the involved character(s).
Albums (6)
Year | Album | Label | Tracks | |
2005 | LOST (Original Television Soundtrack: Season 2) | Varèse Sarabande | 26 | 2004 | LOST (Original Television Soundtrack) | Varèse Sarabande | 27 | 2004 | LOST (Original Television Soundtrack: Season 3) | Varèse Sarabande | 67 | 2004 | Lost: The Final Season (Original Television Soundtrack) | Varèse Sarabande | 51 | LOST (Original Television Soundtrack: Season 4) | Varèse Sarabande | 26 | LOST (Original Television Soundtrack: Season 5) | Varèse Sarabande | 23 |