James Bond
The James Bond film series is a British series of spy films based on the fictional character of MI6 agent James Bond, “007”, who originally appeared in a series of books by Ian Fleming. It is one of the longest continually-running film series in history, having been in on-going production from 1962 to the present (with a six-year hiatus between 1989 and 1995). In that time Eon Productions has produced 24 films, most of them at Pinewood Studios. With a combined gross of over $7 billion to date, the films produced by Eon constitute the fourth-highest-grossing film series.
Albums (11)
Year | Album | Label | Tracks | |
1979 | Moonraker (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) | EMI Manhattan | 10 | 1977 | The Spy Who Loved Me (Original Motion Picture Score) | EMI | 11 | 1974 | The Man with the Golden Gun (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) | EMI Manhattan | 12 | 1973 | Live and Let Die (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) | Capitol Records | 14 | 1971 | Diamonds Are Forever (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) | United Artists | 12 | 1969 | On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) | Capitol Records | 11 | 1967 | You Only Live Twice (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) | EMI Manhattan | 12 | 1965 | Thunderball (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) | EMI Manhattan | 12 | 1964 | Goldfinger (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) | EMI | 10 | 1963 | From Russia With Love (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) | EMI | 18 | 1962 | Dr. No (Original Motion Picture Sound Track Album) | United Artists | 18 |