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Concussion (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

James Newton Howard


Waterworld (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

James Newton Howard

The Fugitive

The Fugitive (Music from the Original Soundtrack)

James Newton Howard

Roman J. Israel, Esq.

Roman J. Israel, Esq. (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

James Newton Howard

Signs (Complete Score)

Signs (Complete Score)

James Newton Howard

Falling Down

Falling Down (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

James Newton Howard

Blood Diamond

Blood Diamond (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

James Newton Howard

Green Lantern

Green Lantern (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

James Newton Howard

The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Hans Zimmer & James Newton Howard

Batman Begins

Batman Begins (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Hans Zimmer & James Newton Howard

I Am Legend (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

James Newton Howard

Signs (Original Score)

James Newton Howard

Unbreakable (Original Motion Picture Score)

James Newton Howard

All the Way (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

James Newton Howard

Collateral (Music from the Motion Picture)

James Newton Howard
