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Interstellar (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Expanded Edition)

Hans Zimmer

Waterworld Expanded

Waterworld (Expanded Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

James Newton Howard

Aeon Flux (Expanded Score)

Aeon Flux (Expanded Motion Picture Score)

Graeme Revell

Green Zone (Expanded Score)

Green Zone (Expanded Motion Picture Score)

John Powell

The Fugitive (Expanded Archival Collection)

The Fugitive (Music from the Original Soundtrack) [Expanded Archival Collection]

James Newton Howard

The Bourne Identity (Expanded Score)

The Bourne Identity (Expanded Motion Picture Score)

John Powell

Home Alone Expanded Score

Home Alone (Expanded Original Motion Picture Score)

John Williams

Resident Evil Expanded

Resident Evil (Expanded Original Motion Picture Score)

Marco Beltrami

Crimson Tide Expanded Score

Crimson Tide (Expanded Motion Picture Score)

Hans Zimmer

Miami Vice (Expanded Original Motion Picture Score)

John Murphy
