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Just Mercy (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Joel P. West


Papillon (Original Score Soundtrack)

David Buckley


Papillon (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Jerry Goldsmith

U.S. Marshals

U.S. Marshals (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Jerry Goldsmith

Prison Break, Seasons 3 & 4

Prison Break, Seasons 3 & 4 (Original Television Soundtrack)

Ramin Djawadi

The Fugitive (Expanded Archival Collection)

The Fugitive (Music from the Original Soundtrack) [Expanded Archival Collection]

James Newton Howard

The Count of Monte Cristo

The Count of Monte Cristo (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Edward Shearmur

The Fugitive

The Fugitive (Music from the Original Soundtrack)

James Newton Howard

The Last Castle

The Last Castle (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Jerry Goldsmith

Camp X-Ray

Camp X-Ray (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Jess Stroup

The Green Mile

The Green Mile (Music from the Motion Picture)

Thomas Newman

Con Air (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Mark Mancina & Trevor Rabin

Escape From New York (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

John Carpenter & Alan Howarth

The Shawshank Redemption (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Thomas Newman

Prison Break (Original Television Soundtrack)

Ramin Djawadi
