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Glory (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

James Horner

Cocoon (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

James Horner

Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

James Horner

Courage Under Fire (Original Soundtrack Recording)

James Horner

Clear and Present Danger (Music from the Original Picture Soundtrack)

James Horner

Legends of the Fall (Complete Score)

Legends of the Fall (Complete Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

James Horner

Jack the Bear

Jack the Bear (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

James Horner

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

The Boy In the Striped Pajamas (Score from the Motion Picture)

James Horner

The Perfect Storm

The Perfect Storm (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

James Horner


Ransom (Original Soundtrack)

James Horner

Field of Dreams

Field of Dreams (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

James Horner

Patriot Games

Patriot Games (Music from the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

James Horner

Titanic (Music from the Motion Picture) (20th Anniversary Edition)

James Horner

Enemy at the Gates (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

James Horner

Avatar [Deluxe Edition]

Avatar (Music from the Motion Picture) [Deluxe Edition]

James Horner

Legends of the Fall

Legends of the Fall (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

James Horner

Deep Impact

Deep Impact (Music from the Motion Picture)

James Horner


Avatar (Music from the Motion Picture)

James Horner
