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War of the Worlds (Music from the Motion Picture) [Expanded 2-CD]

John Williams

Moonfall (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Thomas Wander & Harald Kloser

Contagion (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Cliff Martinez

The Day After Tomorrow (Expanded Motion Picture Score)

Harald Kloser & Thomas Wander

How It Ends

How It Ends (Original Score from the Netflix Film)

Atli Örvarsson


Knowing (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Marco Beltrami

Independence Day: Resurgence

Independence Day: Resurgence (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Thomas Wander & Harald Kloser

The Book of Eli

The Book of Eli (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [Deluxe Version]

Atticus Ross

Independence Day (Complete Score)

Independence Day (Complete Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

David Arnold


Battleship (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Steve Jablonsky

The Core Promo

The Core (Original Motion Picture Score)

Christopher Young


2012 (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Harald Kloser & Thomas Wander

Independence Day

Independence Day (Original Soundtrack Recording)

David Arnold


Outbreak (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

James Newton Howard


Legion (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

John Frizzell

The Book of Eli

The Book of Eli (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Atticus Ross


Geostorm (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Lorne Balfe

Deep Impact

Deep Impact (Music from the Motion Picture)

James Horner
